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Sunday, October 18, 2015

TOP 10 Jailbreak Tweaks for IOS 9

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Now that iOS 9 has been jailbroken, developers are beginning to update and even curate new jailbreak tweaks for the latest jailbroken firmware.
Here is a list of some of the best updated or new jailbreak tweaks compatible with iOS 9 that you can install on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch right now.

if you didn't jailbreak yet click here : JAILBREAK IOS 9 , IOS 9.0.1 , IOS 9.0.2
find out this free tweaks for ios 9: top 25 free jailbreak tweak for ios 9


We’ve seen Quick Actions being brought over to older iOS devices, but what about the nifty Peek and Pop feature from iPhone 6s and 6s Plus? UniversalForce is the answer to that.
This tweak can be found at the developer’s repo here: repo.ioscreatix.com, and is a free download.


With all those 3D Touch mimicking tweaks surfacing, Hapticle is attempting to bring the iPhone 6s’ Taptic Engine-like haptic feedback on to older iOS devices.
This tweak can be found at the developer’s repo here: repo.fortysixandtwo.com, and is a free download.


Note: This tweak worked fine for us, but some people have reported it to be causing issues when installed with specific jailbreak tweaks on iOS 9. Install this one at your own risk only. You may end up restoring your iPhone and rejailbreaking. 
Apparently, getting your jailbroken iOS device up to par with the iPhone 6s is all the rage right now. In a similar fashion, the old tweak UntetheredHeySiri brings the always-on Hey Siri functionality of the iPhone 6s to older iDevices.


The idea behind this tweak is to turn your iOS device’s keyboard into a trackpad for moving the text cursor, just like how it’s done in iOS 9 on iPhone 6s and iPads. It is important to note that this tweak has been around for a while and it doesn’t enable the stock iOS 9 trackpad feature from iPhone 6s and iPads on older iPhones and unsupported iPads, but it’s the closest you can get to the iPhone 6s/iOS 9 feature on unsupported hardware today.
It can be found at the BigBoss repository in Cydia, and is a free download.

5.Speed Intensifier

Updated for iOS 9, Speed Intensifier allows you to tinker with iOS animations, thereby giving the impression of an overall faster iOS environment.
It can be found at the developer’s repository here: https://pw5a29.github.io/, and is a free download.


Shortcuts tweak attempts to bring the 3D Touch Quick Actions menu to different apps, such as the native Settings.app, Cydia, Weather and many other apps.
This tweak can be found at the developer’s repository here: https://repo.cpdigitaldarkroom.com, and is a free download.


As the name of the tweak itself suggests, SpotlightBeGone will disable Spotlight in iOS 9, either from the left of the Home screen, the Swipe down from main Home screen, or both of them entirely. Previously available for iOS 8 as well, it has been updated to support iOS 9 now.
This tweak can be found at the BigBoss repository, and is a free download.

8.Live Photos Enabler

this tweak brings iPhone 6s Live Photos functionality to unsupported devices. Best of all, it’s free.
You can download it from developer’s repository from here: https://evilgoldfish.github.io/repo.


This tweak will give you the ability to blur your badges. It also makes the badges transparent, so whatever color your wallpaper is, it assumes that color and blurs it. You can also add different color borders and border thicknesses to your badges within the settings.


RevealNC9 is a new iOS 9 jailbreak tweak that brings Android-style swipe animation for Notification Center.

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